25/04/2021 - From initial project setup to the first Steve being born
Initial setup
A very simple main.ts
//import { ErrorMapper } from "utils/ErrorMapper";
import { gameLoop } from "loop";
// When compiling TS to JS and bundling with rollup, the line numbers and file names in error messages change
// This utility uses source maps to get the line numbers and file names of the original, TS source code
//export const loop = ErrorMapper.wrapLoop(gameLoop);
export const loop = gameLoop;
The main loop code was moved to the 'loop.ts' file which holds the code responsible for handling each loop step. The main.ts then can optionally use the ErrorMapper or not.
import { CreepManager } from "managers/CreepManager";
import { SpawnManager } from "managers/SpawnManager";
import { cleanMemory } from "utils/GameUtils";
export const gameLoop = () => {
console.log(`Current game tick is ${Game.time}`);
The loop.ts module is responsible for calling the higher-level functions, like deleting creeps from memory that no longer exist and running the managers.
import { CreepRole } from "enums/CreepRole";
export class SpawnManager {
public static run() {
for (var name in Game.spawns) {
var spawn = Game.spawns[name];
private static runSpawn(spawn: StructureSpawn) {
var result = spawn.spawnCreep([WORK, MOVE, CARRY], "Steve", {
dryRun: true
if (result === OK) {
spawn.spawnCreep([WORK, MOVE, CARRY], "Steve", {
dryRun: false,
memory: {
role: CreepRole.steve,
room: "",
working: false
The SpawnManager is responsible for creating new creeps. This initial code only allows for one creep to exist at a time, called Steve. Steve is hard-coded to have a role of 'steve', but this will change in the future to be more dynamic.
The above GIF shows the code running in a training room.